Spring Valley Acquisition Corp (SV): AeroFarms, a leading indoor farming company기업정보/(미국)_기업실적 2022. 11. 14. 22:16728x90
7 Vertical Farming Stocks to Buy Before They Boom
AppHarvest (APPH): AppHarvest designs and manufactures some of the country’s largest indoor farms. Hydrofarm Holdings (HYFM): The company is one of the most reputable names in controlled environment agriculture (CEA), manufacturing high-intensity grow li
Spring Valley Acquisition Corp (SV): AeroFarms, a leading indoor farming company, will debut on the markets through a reverse merger.
비슷한 회사
제프 베조스와 월마트가 투자한 수직 농업 회사
Plenty Unlimited
https://www.plenty.ag/Indoor Vertical Farming | Plenty
Plenty is rewriting the rules of agriculture with indoor vertical farms that grow fresh, flavorful, pesticide free greens – all while using just a fraction of the water and land compared to conventional farms.
반응형'기업정보 > (미국)_기업실적' 카테고리의 다른 글
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