C++ printf Debugging using macros / g++ -std=c++17 macro.cpp -o macro코딩Coding/make★gcc★&g++★clang★compiler 2022. 10. 26. 19:46728x90
28분 29초
// macro.cpp // g++ -std=c++17 macro.cpp -o macro #include <iostream> // Note the '\' allos us to use multiple lines #define PRINT(x, line, file) \ std::cout << file << ":" << line << ": "; \ std::cout << "Value is : " << (x) << "\n"; int main() { float PI = 3.1415; PRINT(PI,__LINE__,__FILE__) return 0; }
PS D:\young_project\cpp_lang\macro> .\macro.exe macro.cpp:12: Value is : 3.1415
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