Rust 1.66 nightly 기능❤️Box::assume_init 성능향상 기능코딩Coding/Rust❤️Optimization❤️ 2022. 9. 26. 20:28728x90
#![feature(new_uninit)] let big_box = Box::<[usize; 1024]>::new_uninit(); let mut array = [0; 1024]; for (i, place) in array.iter_mut().enumerate() { *place = i; } // The optimizer may be able to elide this copy, so previous code writes // to heap directly. let big_box = Box::write(big_box, array); for (i, x) in big_box.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(*x, i); }
Box in std::boxed - Rust
Consumes and leaks the Box, returning a mutable reference, &'a mut T. Note that the type T must outlive the chosen lifetime 'a. If the type has only static references, or none at all, then this may be chosen to be 'static. This function is mainly useful fo
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