Rust 1.64 update 내용__Arc_drop 관련 업데이트 내용 분석중 ㅠㅠ코딩Coding/Rust☑︎Release☀︎Notes_New◎Version 2022. 9. 24. 22:08728x90
Decrement the reference counter, and drop and deallocate if it reaches zero.
Note: Even if this doesn’t yet decrement the counter to zero,
another thread might decrement it to zero and deallocate the data
before we exit this function, or even before fetch_sub() returns,
invalidating our refcount reference. This is okay, though, because
it’s a reference to an AtomicUsize.참조 카운터를 줄이고 0에 도달하면 삭제 및 할당 해제하십시오.
참고: 이것이 아직 카운터를 0으로 감소시키지 않더라도,
다른 스레드는 그것을 0으로 줄이고 데이터 할당을 해제할 수 있다.
이 함수를 종료하기 전에 또는 fetch_sublic이 반환되기 전에
리카운트 참조가 무효화되었습니다. 그래도 괜찮아 왜냐면
원자 사용에 대한 참조입니다.https://twitter.com/m_ou_se/status/1572990699116859392/photo/1
트위터에서 즐기는 Mara Bos
“To allow for sound (unsafe) implementations of reference-counted allocated objects, it's no longer undefined behavior to keep a reference to something that's de-allocated, as long as you don't use it, and the object's bytes all reside in an UnsafeCell (
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64816028/how-can-i-determine-if-i-have-a-unique-arc-when-its-dropped use std::sync::Arc; #[derive(Debug)] enum Action { One, Two, Three, } // Thing trait which operates on an Action, which should be a enum, allowing for // different action sets. trait Thing<T> { fn disconnected(&self); fn action(&self, action: T); } // There are many instances of an ActionController. // There may be zero or more clones of an instance. // The final drop of the instances should call thing.disconnected() // In a multi-core environment, the same instance may be running on multiple cores // ActionController should not be generic. #[derive(Clone)] struct ActionController { id: usize, thing: Arc<dyn Thing<Action>>, } impl ActionController { fn new(id: usize, thing: Box<dyn Thing<Action>>) -> Self { Self { id, thing: Arc::from(thing), } } fn invoke(&self, action: Action) { self.thing.action(action); } } // Decrement the reference counter, and drop and deallocate if it reaches zero. // Note: Even if this doesn’t yet decrement the counter to zero, // another thread might decrement it to zero and deallocate the data // before we exit this function, or even before fetch_sub() returns, // invalidating our refcount reference. This is okay, though, because // it’s a reference to an AtomicUsize. struct MyArc {} impl Drop for MyArc<T> { fn drop(&mut self) { if refcount.fetch_sub(1, AcqRel) == 1 { unsafe {drop{Box::from_raw(ptr)}} } } } // // To work around the drop issue, I've implemented Clone for ActionController which // performs a fetch_add(1) on clone and a fetch_sub(1) on drop. This provides // suficient information to call disconnected() -- but it just seems like there's // got to be a better way. impl Drop for ActionController { fn drop(&mut self) { // drop will be called for each clone of an Controller instance. When // the unique instance is dropped, disconnected() must be called self.thing.disconnected(); } } struct Controlled {} impl Thing<Action> for Controlled { fn disconnected(&self) { println!("disconnected") } fn action(&self, action: Action) { println!("action: {:#?}", action) } } fn bad() { let controlled = Controlled {}; let controlled = Box::new(controlled) as Box<dyn Thing<Action>>; let controller = ActionController::new(1, controlled); let clone = controller.clone(); controller.invoke(Action::One); clone.invoke(Action::Two); drop(controller); clone.invoke(Action::Three); } fn main() { bad(); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn incorrect() { bad(); } }
How can I determine if I have a unique Arc when it's dropped?
I've an Arc<Mutex<Thing>> field in a struct which is cloned many times. It is shared between concurrent threads. Drop::drop is called for each clone as it goes out of scope. Is there an...
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