Rainbow Bracket-Pair-Colorizer-2 VSCode는 타입스크립로 만듬ts 코드 by _ API usage could look like this:코딩Coding/TypeScript 2022. 9. 24. 00:04728x90
const doc = vscode.workspace.textDocuments[0]; // If a non-undefined value is returned, these tokens must be in sync with `doc`. // We intentionally don't return a promise here to avoid synchronization issues. // This API allows to compute tokens in batches to avoid freezing the extension host. const tokens: { isComputing: false, tokens: ILineToken[] } | { isComputing: true } = doc.getTokensForLine(myLine); vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocumentTokens((e: { changedRanges: Range[] }) => { // Is fired immediately after the text document got changed or computation started/finished. // Calls to `getTokensForLine` can still return `{ isComputing: true }`. const tokens = doc.getTokensForLine(myLine); }); // Tokens itself could look like this: interface ILineToken { kind: TokenKind, languageId: string, // e.g. 'typescript' or 'html' startOffset: number, endOffset: number } // Only provide a very limited amount of token kinds so that // we don't expose too much textmate flavor. // We could easily provide the same token information with tree-sitter or monarch. enum TokenKind { default, string, comment, regex }
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