C/C++ deprecated 발언 쎄다 ㅋㅋ 이제 고전 언어로 가는구나 ㅎㅎC는 ㅎㅎ코딩Coding/★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글 2022. 9. 21. 22:10728x90
Speaking of languages, it's time to halt starting any new projects in C/C++ and use Rust for those scenarios where a non-GC language is required. For the sake of security and reliability. the industry should declare those languages as deprecated.
https://twitter.com/markrussinovich/status/1571995117233504257?s=20&t=BLQv304Z_Rh19lfrk1-yHg트위터에서 즐기는 Mark Russinovich
“Speaking of languages, it's time to halt starting any new projects in C/C++ and use Rust for those scenarios where a non-GC language is required. For the sake of security and reliability. the industry should declare those languages as deprecated.”
반응형'코딩Coding > ★★Rust★★최신동향★및관련글' 카테고리의 다른 글
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