eBook)Safe Haven: Investing for Financial Storms책이나봅시다/경제 2022. 9. 14. 23:34728x90
Safe Haven: Investing for Financial Storms https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CGHBR89/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_TRNHN132NB5TFFT5SC9BAmazon.com: Safe Haven: Investing for Financial Storms eBook : Spitznagel, Mark, Taleb, Nassim Nicholas: Kindle Store
What is a safe haven? What role should they play in an investment portfolio? Do we use them only to seek shelter until the passing of financial storms? Or are they something more? Contrary to everything we know from modern financial theory, can higher retu
What is a safe haven?
What role should they play in an investment portfolio? Do we use them only to seek shelter until the passing of financial storms? Or are they something more? Contrary to everything we know from modern financial theory, can higher returns actually come as a result of lowering risk? In Safe Haven, hedge fund manager Mark Spitznagel—one of the top practitioners of safe haven investing and portfolio risk mitigation in the world—answers these questions and more. Investors who heed the message in this book will never look at risk mitigation the same way again.
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