emacs 편집기 사용법, 명령어(단축키)Emacs_Editor_IDE/emacs단축키정리 2022. 8. 19. 03:29728x90
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Lisp language_Emac_DoomEmacs_tutorial_LSP_Install_설치및자동완성활용법_기초한글강의 #lisplang #emacs #doomemacs #lsp
정리 잘 됨
종료 C-x C-c
저장 C-x C-s
새 이름으로 저장 C-x C-w
파일 찾기 C-x C-f
// 분할 된 창전환 ( 시계방향 C-x o o가 -1 인수라는 뜻 // 반시계 방향 C-u 2 C-x o
http://daplus.net/emacs-emacs-%EC%9D%B4%EC%A0%84-%EC%B0%BD%EC%9C%BC%EB%A1%9C-%EC%A0%84%ED%99%98/// 상하 분할 C-x 2 // 좌우 분할 C-x 3 // 현재 창 전체 화면 C-x 1
toggle-trunkcate line 이쁘게 보기 좋게 정렬해줌
M-x display-line-numbers
https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LineNumbersEmacs Commands C- means "control key", Hold down the control key while pressing the next key M- means "meta key", (“Escape” in the lab, on other computers sometimes “Alt”). For meta commands with the Escape key, press the Escape key and then release it, then press the other key. Thus M-f stands for the keyboard sequence "press and release the Escape key", " press f". C-x C-s Save file C-x C-w Write file out with new name (i.e. 'save as') C-x C-f Find (open) file. (If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.) C-x C-c Quit Emacs C-z Leave Emacs temporarily (return with "fg" ("foreground")) C-g Abort an Emacs command (get out of trouble) C-_ Undo C-x 2 Split Emacs screen into two horizontally C-x 3 Split Emacs screen into two vertically C-x o move from one half screen to another C-x 1 Return to only one screen (whichever your cursor is in) C-x C-b List the current buffers C-x b Switch to a different active buffer C-k Kill text from cursor to end of line (Cut text out) C-y Yank back killed text. (Paste text in) C-l Redisplay the screen if it is garbled Commands to move about the screen (can also use the arrow keys.) C-f Move cursor forward one character C-b Move cursor backwards one character C-n Move cursor to next line C-p Move cursor to previous line C-a Move cursor to beginning of line C-e Move cursor to end of line C-v Go forward one screen M-v Go backward one screen M-f Move cursor forward one word M-b Move cursor backwards one word M-> Move to end of file M-< Move to beginning of file C-u 7 C-n Move forward 7 lines C-u 10 C-p Move back 10 lines To go to a specific line: Type M-x goto-line <Enter>, then type the line number followed by <Enter>. There are also shortcuts. Type the command "help -q emacs goto" in a local window to find out about it. (Local shortcut is M-x #). Emacs has an excellent on-line help tutorial. To use it, start up emacs. When you are in emacs, type C-h, then type the letter "t". Follow directions. When you wish to leave the tutorial, type C-x C-c.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6874516/relative-line-numbers-in-emacs init.el추가 (global-display-line-numbers-mode 1) (setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
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