Rust❤️ 벡터 안에 짝수 인 값의 인덱스 값을 결과값으로 받고 싶을 때 iter().position(|&x| x % 2 == 0)closure코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2022. 6. 23. 17:35728x90
fn main() { let vec = vec![1, 9, 3, 3, 13, 2]; // `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32` and `position()` does not take a reference, so // we have to destructure `&i32` to `i32` let index_of_first_even_number = vec.iter().position(|&x| x % 2 == 0); assert_eq!(index_of_first_even_number, Some(5)); // `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32` and `position()` does not take a reference, so // we do not have to destructure let index_of_first_negative_number = vec.into_iter().position(|x| x < 0); assert_eq!(index_of_first_negative_number, None); }
https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/fn/closures/closure_examples/iter_find.htmlSearching through iterators - Rust By Example
Iterator::find is a function which iterates over an iterator and searches for the first value which satisfies some condition. If none of the values satisfy the condition, it returns None. Its signature: pub trait Iterator { // The type being iterated over.
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