*SEIZURE WARNING* 50+ Sorts❤️, Visualized - Bar Graph & wiki소트 정의 바이블 정의 ㅋㅋ코딩Coding/알고리즘♡Algorithm♡ 2022. 4. 24. 17:59728x90
*SEIZURE WARNING* 50+ Sorts, Visualized - Bar Graph
sort 알고리즘 50개 모두 나옴. 대박 ㅎㅎ
Bubble Sort 0:00
Cocktail Shaker Sort 0:28
Gnome Sort 0:45
Optimized Gnome Sort 0:56
Odd-Even Sort 1:06
Selection Sort 1:29
Double Selection Sort 1:38
Insertion Sort 1:45
Binary Insertion Sort 2:04
Comb Sort 2:23
Shell Sort 2:56
Merge Sort 3:14
Binary Merge Sort 3:36
Weave Merge Sort 3:57
TimSort 4:34
Merge Sort In-Place 5:00
WikiSort (Block Merge Sort) 5:26
GrailSort (Block Merge Sort) 6:15
Quick Sort 6:53
Stable Quick Sort 7:09
Dual Pivot Quick Sort 7:35
Max Heap Sort 7:53
Min Heap Sort 8:13
Weak Heap Sort 8:34
Ternary Heap Sort 8:50
Smooth Sort 9:04
Tournament Sort 9:26
Cycle Sort 9:47
std::sort (Introsort) 10:56
Quick Shell Sort (Introsort with Shellsort) 11:10
std::stable_sort (Insert/Bottom-up Merge) 11:23
Batcher's Odd-Even Mergesort 11:45
Batcher's Bitonic Sort 12:48
Pancake Sort 14:39
Patience Sort 16:28
Gravity Sort 16:42
Counting Sort 17:06
Pigeonhole Sort 17:14
Radix LSD Sort (Base 4) 17:20
American Flag Sort (128 Buckets) 17:42
Radix LSD In-Place Sort (Base 10) 17:55
Radix LSD In-Place Sort (Base 2) 18:24
Radix MSD Sort (Base 4) 19:11
Radix MSD Sort (Base 2) 19:29
Shatter Sort 19:56
Simple Shatter Sort 20:12
Flash Sort 20:20
Time Sort (Mul 4) + Insertion Sort 20:30
Stooge Sort 20:46
Bad Sort 21:48
Silly Sort 22:42
Slow Sort 25:11
Less Bogo Sort 27:49
Cocktail Bogo Sort 29:10
Bogo Sort 30:57
sort ㅎㅎ정말 많다.
Sorting algorithm - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Algorithm that arranges lists in order In computer science, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list into an order. The most frequently used orders are numerica
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