Rust] borrow가 있다면 일반 String보다 빠르다.Cow최고코딩Coding/Rust❤️Optimization❤️ 2022. 4. 19. 22:01728x90
Rust연습] cow_
빨라서 최고borrow에서 적극 활용하자 -
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~/Documents/Project/Github/rust_project/training_rustacean_rust/src/main.rs.html 1 use std::borrow::Cow; 2 3 #[derive(Debug)] 4 struct User<'a> { 5 name: Cow<'a, str>, 6 } 7 8 fn main() { 9 let name..
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Rust연습] Cow__120 Easy Rust in Korean: to_mut with Cow
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