rust연습]u8_sting_stack저장하기bytes() / std::str코딩Coding/Rust연습 2022. 4. 18. 01:44728x90
use std::str; fn main() { for b in "안녕 ".bytes() { println!("{}", b); } let a = vec![236, 149, 136, 235, 133, 149, 32]; let a = str::from_utf8(&a).unwrap(); println!("{a}"); }
236 149 136 235 133 149 32 안녕
from_utf8 in std::str - Rust
Converts a slice of bytes to a string slice. A string slice (&str) is made of bytes (u8), and a byte slice (&[u8]) is made of bytes, so this function converts between the two. Not all byte slices are valid string slices, however: &str requires that it is v
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