Rust로 만든Warp: The terminal for the 21st century러스트Rust로_만든프로그램_IDE_Terminal_warp/Helix_text_editor 2022. 4. 11. 15:08728x90
Warp: The terminal for the 21st century
I am trying out @warpdotdev , a modern approach to a terminal. I've been stuck with iTerm2, thinking that there was a lot of room for more value in one of the apps I spend more time on, but I've never found anything compelling enough.
warp demo
소개 영상
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warp terminal demo영상
& 러스트 rust shadwing섀도잉 연습
warp terminal logo색깔 Customization할 수 있음 yaml만들어서 수정하면 됨.
iterm대신 사용할 개꿀딱 터미널 (warp)
mac사용자면, iterm을 많이 사용할것이다. iterm은 zshrc 설정을 통해 customization을 할수있고 이쁘게꾸밀수 있다. 아니면, 여러 plugin을 통해 터미널을 좀 쉽게 사용할수 있다. 근데.. 이러한 세팅조차
How To Create Custom Terminal Themes with Warp-Themes.com
Discover how to use Warp-Themes.com to customize your own terminal themes for Warp. It also allows you to import existing iTerm color schemes, as well as sync your VS Code theme with Warp.
세팅 예시
#!/bin/bash # Theme Configuration readonly THEME_NAME="warp_dark" readonly THEME_CONTENT='accent: "#00c2ff" foreground: "#ffffff" terminal_colors: normal: black: "#616161" red: "#ff8272" magenta: "#ff8ffd" cyan: "#d0d1fe" blue: "#a5d5fe" white: "#f1f1f1" green: "#b4fa72" yellow: "#fefdc2" bright: green: "#d6fcb9" magenta: "#ffb1fe" black: "#8e8e8e" yellow: "#fefdd5" red: "#ffc4bd" white: "#feffff" blue: "#c1e3fe" cyan: "#e5e6fe" background: "#000000" details: "darker" ' # Warp Variables readonly WARP_THEME_DIR="$HOME/.warp/themes" # Colors readonly RESET="\033[0m" readonly BLACK="\033[0;30m" readonly BOLD="\033[1m" readonly DIM="\033[2m" readonly GREEN_BOLD="\033[1;32m" readonly RED_BOLD="\033[1;31m" readonly BACKGROUND_LIGHT_GREEN="\033[102m" readonly BACKGROUND_LIGHT_RED="\033[101m" printf "${BOLD}Warp-Themes Installer ${RESET}${DIM}(v1.0.0)${RESET}\n\n" printf "${GREEN_BOLD}✔${RESET} ${BOLD}Installing theme:${RESET}${DIM} ${THEME_NAME}${RESET}\n" # Check if WARP_THEME_DIR exists if [ ! -d "${WARP_THEME_DIR}" ]; then printf "${GREEN_BOLD}✔${RESET} ${BOLD}Creating Warp Theme Directory:${RESET}${DIM} ${WARP_THEME_DIR}${RESET}\n" mkdir -p "${WARP_THEME_DIR}" fi # Check if theme file already exists if [ -f "${WARP_THEME_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}.yaml" ]; then printf "${RED_BOLD}✗${RESET} ${BOLD}Theme already exists:${RESET} ${DIM}${WARP_THEME_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}.yaml\n\n" printf "${BLACK}${BACKGROUND_LIGHT_RED} Next steps ${RESET}\n\n" printf "Delete the file to continue\n" printf "Copy and paste ${DIM}rm ${WARP_THEME_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}.yaml ${RESET}into your terminal\n" exit 1 fi touch "${WARP_THEME_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}.yaml" echo "${THEME_CONTENT}" > "${WARP_THEME_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}.yaml" printf "${GREEN_BOLD}✔${RESET} ${GREEN}Successfully installed the theme!\n\n" printf "${BLACK}${BACKGROUND_LIGHT_GREEN} Next steps ${RESET}\n\n" printf "Restart Warp and select ${GREEN_BOLD}${THEME_NAME} ${RESET}from the Theme Picker\n\n" printf "Don't know how to open the Theme Picker? ${GREEN_BOLD}https://docs.warp.dev/features/themes#how-to-access-it${RESET}\n" printf "${DIM}Enjoy your new theme!${RESET}\n"
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