eBook)Hands-On Concurrency with Rust: Confidently build memory-safe, parallel &코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리/Rust_Coding_Book 2022. 3. 17. 11:11728x90
Hands-On Concurrency with Rust: Confidently build memory-safe, parallel, and efficient software in Rust
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C5WXSXX/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_4BSJJ7RBG274GHAPWKQNAmazon.com: Hands-On Concurrency with Rust: Confidently build memory-safe, parallel, and efficient software in Rust eBook : L. T
Brian L. Troutwine was born in 1987 in rural Missouri and was greatly dismayed as a child to learn that the St. Louis Gateway Arch was not, in fact, the world's largest grain silo. Today, Brian is a software engineer with a focus on low-level systems' perf
저자 소개
Brian L. Troutwine was born in 1987 in rural Missouri and was greatly dismayed as a child to learn that the St. Louis Gateway Arch was not, in fact, the world's largest grain silo. Today, Brian is a software engineer with a focus on low-level systems' performance and human factors. He is interested in software deployed in extreme conditions and the techniques, both technical and political, it takes to produce software fit for purpose in the same.
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