LevelDB was painstakingly ported from C++ to C89¹ for use with mako.(LevelDB im.코딩Coding/C++__C언어 2022. 3. 14. 13:48728x90
GitHub - chjj/lcdb: LevelDB implemented in C (unofficial -- not affiliated with Google in any way)
LevelDB implemented in C (unofficial -- not affiliated with Google in any way) - GitHub - chjj/lcdb: LevelDB implemented in C (unofficial -- not affiliated with Google in any way)
lcdb - a reimplementation of LevelDB in C89
DISCLAIMER: lcdb has no affiliation with or endorsement from Google Inc. whatsoever despite the API prefix being ldb_ (let's hope they don't cease and desist us again).
A state-of-the-art database in C89 (originally designed by Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat and implemented in C++).
LevelDB was painstakingly ported from C++ to C89¹ for use with mako. mako is a C project which requires an LSM tree for its UTXO database (which in turn requires high write throughput with very effective compaction). mako has a strict development policy of "do not link to libstdc++" and "do not require a c++ compiler".반응형'코딩Coding > C++__C언어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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