Understanding String, &str etc코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2022. 2. 21. 15:10728x90
Understanding String, &str etc
Hi, I don't quite understand how strings work. if I have a struct with a Struct struct User { name:String } then I can instantiate...
Understanding String, &str etc
I don't quite understand how strings work.
if I have a struct with a Struct
struct User {
then I can instantiate it as follows
let user = User {
name: "John".to_string()
If I leave out the to\_string() it won't compile
However if I do it this way and then do this:
format!("Name is {:?}", user.name);
Then the resulting string has escaped quotes like this:
"Name is \"John\""
What is going on here?
What is the difference between String and &str in Rust?
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