힙&스택❤️메모리이쁘게 보기(-fsantize=address)C언어~19분08초and31분 56초코딩Coding/LLDB&GDB_TheGNU_Project_Debugger 2022. 2. 5. 15:42728x90
c언어 컴파일 할 때
clang -g -fsanitize=address test01.c
다른 방법
clang -01 -g main.c loop.c -fsanitize=address
clang -g -01 -fsanitize=address my_prog.c -o my_prog // Several sanitizer available to target different possible bugs. // e.g. address(ASAN), thread(TSAN), memory(MSAN) // Wraps various operations in your code(e.g. memory traffic) // Tunable behavior on encountering a probrem -fsanitize= // Print verbose error, continue execution -fno-sanitize-recover= // Print verbose error, terminate program -fsanitize-trap= // Execute a trap instruction(only for ubsan) // Can be combined -fsanitize=siged-integer-overflow -fno-sanitize-recover=address
이쁘게 나옴
출처 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFew5gIF-Ro&t=4s
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