eBook) How Software Works [ EPUB ]코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리/Coding프로그램_코딩 2022. 2. 2. 14:30728x90
How Software Works [ EPUB ]
V. Anton Spraul 저 | No Starch Press | 2015년 08월 01일
http://m.yes24.com/Goods/Detail/46793331How Software Works - YES24
We use software every day to perform all kinds of magical, powerful tasks. It`s the force behind stunning CGI graphics, safe online shopping, and...
Inside you'll learn:
–How data is encrypted
–How passwords are used and protected
–How computer graphics are created
–How video is compressed for streaming and storage
–How data is searched (and found) in huge databases
–How programs can work together on the same problem without conflict
–How data travels over the Internet반응형'코딩_Coding_Dev책_정리 > Coding프로그램_코딩' 카테고리의 다른 글
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