애플 키보드 단축키 복사해서 쓸 예정(옵션⌥, 커맨드⌘IT상식/방송_동영상편집 2022. 1. 28. 13:49728x90
Control (or Ctrl)
Option (or Alt)
Command (or Cmd)
⌃ <- Control
⌥ <- Option aka alt
⌘ <- Command
⇧ <- Shift
https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/4074/what-do-i-type-to-produce-the-command-symbol-in-mac-os-xWhat do I type to produce the command symbol (⌘) in Mac OS X?
What combination of keys do I press to produce the command symbol (⌘) on Mac OS X? (I copied the above symbol from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_key.)
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