I-VT means(뉴스 기사에 나온 단어)영어상식/금융_비지니스_영어 2021. 12. 20. 12:15728x90
This isn't really a question about English and might be more appropriate on the Politics Stack Exchange. But in any case, you're correct. I-VT means independent senator from Vermont. Sanders often caucuses with the Democrats, but does consider himself an independent.
I-VT means
버몬트Vermont 온 상원 의원을 의미
기사 출처
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/democrats-slam-manchin-build-back-better_n_61bf5856e4b04b42ab60eee5반응형'영어상식 > 금융_비지니스_영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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