I-VT means(뉴스 기사에 나온 단어)영어상식/금융_비지니스_영어 2021. 12. 20. 12:15728x90
This isn't really a question about English and might be more appropriate on the Politics Stack Exchange. But in any case, you're correct. I-VT means independent senator from Vermont. Sanders often caucuses with the Democrats, but does consider himself an independent.
I-VT means
버몬트Vermont 온 상원 의원을 의미
https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/278851/i-of-i-vt-like-bernie-sanders-i-vt"I" of (I-VT) Like Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Does "I" for, like Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in articles mean Sanders is an independent? I haven't thought Sanders is an independent. Thanks for the confirmation.
기사 출처
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/democrats-slam-manchin-build-back-better_n_61bf5856e4b04b42ab60eee5Democrats Slam Manchin For Saying He Can't Vote For Biden's Build Back Better Plan
“If he doesn’t have the courage to do the right thing ... let him vote no in front of the whole world,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
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