미국 21년 10월 수출$223.6 billion / 수입 $290.7 billionMicro경제지표_국제일정_국제및국내 2021. 12. 8. 11:32728x90
exports rose 8.1% to $223.6 billion
imports were up a much smaller 0.9% to $290.7 billion.
경상수지 적자 - $67.1 billion
exports rose 8.1% to $223.6 billion while imports were up a much smaller 0.9% to $290.7 billion.
The U.S. trade
deficit narrowed to $67.1 billion in October,
미국 21년 10월 수출 수입 자료
Reuter 자료
https://www.reuters.com/business/us-import-prices-surge-october-petroleum-food-2021-11-16/반응형'Micro경제지표_국제일정_국제및국내' 카테고리의 다른 글
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