미국 21년 10월 수출$223.6 billion / 수입 $290.7 billionMicro경제지표_국제일정_국제및국내 2021. 12. 8. 11:32728x90
exports rose 8.1% to $223.6 billion
imports were up a much smaller 0.9% to $290.7 billion.
경상수지 적자 - $67.1 billion
exports rose 8.1% to $223.6 billion while imports were up a much smaller 0.9% to $290.7 billion.
The U.S. trade
deficit narrowed to $67.1 billion in October,
https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/12/07/us-trade-deficit-narrows-sharply-in-october.htmlU.S. trade deficit narrows in October as exports rebound
The U.S. trade deficit narrowed to $67.1 billion in October, the lowest in six months, after hitting a record high in September.
미국 21년 10월 수출 수입 자료
Reuter 자료
https://www.reuters.com/business/us-import-prices-surge-october-petroleum-food-2021-11-16/U.S. import prices surge in October on petroleum, food
U.S. import prices surged in October as the costs of petroleum products and food increased, adding to signs that inflation could remain high for a while.
반응형'Micro경제지표_국제일정_국제및국내' 카테고리의 다른 글
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