New Electric Propulsion Engine For Spacecraft Test-Fired in Orbit For First Time과학_수학상식 2021. 11. 19. 00:17728x90
New Electric Propulsion Engine For Spacecraft Test-Fired in Orbit For First Time
https://www.sciencealert.com/iodine-spacecraft-propulsion-has-been-tested-in-orbitNew Electric Propulsion Engine For Spacecraft Test-Fired in Orbit For First Time
For the satellites spinning around Earth, using electricity to ionize and push particles of xenon gets them to go where they need to go. While xenon atoms ionize easily and are heavy enough to build thrust, the gas is rare and expensive, not to menti
New Electric Propulsion Engine For Spacecraft Test-Fired in Orbit For First Time반응형'과학_수학상식' 카테고리의 다른 글
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