conundrum 수수께끼다 라는 단어로 예문 38개영어상식/금융_비지니스_영어 2021. 9. 6. 08:34728x90
Use conundrum in a sentence | The best 38 conundrum sentence examples
Do you ever feel like you're caught between a rock and a hard place? That, no matter what you choose, you're not going to get the outcome you desire? You're in a catch-22 situation. With these simple catch-22 examples, you'll gain a better understanding of
There's an advert on TV in which a child is posed the conundrum, ' Do you love Daddy more, or chips?
TV에서 한 아이가 난제를 제기하는 광고가 있다. '아빠를 더 사랑하니, 아니면 칩스를 더 사랑하니?
반응형'영어상식 > 금융_비지니스_영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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