Kotlin Coroutines-debug 예제& 디버깅 Tutorial & 코루틴 가이드코딩Coding/Java&Kotlin 2023. 11. 25. 20:46728x90
디버깅 Tutorial
https://kotlinlang.org/docs/debug-coroutines-with-idea.html#debug-coroutinesDebug coroutines using IntelliJ IDEA – tutorial | Kotlin
메모리 leak?
This text means that the variable's lifetime was decreased, and the variable doesn't exist anymore. It is difficult to debug code with optimized variables because you don't see their values. You can disable this behavior with the -Xdebug compiler option.
Never use this flag in production: -Xdebug can cause memory leaks.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48678/Coroutine-debugger-disable-was-optimised-out-compiler-feature?_gl=1*1dmmmrj*_ga*MTM4ODAyODIwMi4xNzAwOTEyNjYy*_ga_9J976DJZ68*MTcwMDkxMjY2MS4xLjEuMTcwMDkxMzI5NC42MC4wLjA.&_ga=2.9542003.715637141.1700912662-1388028202.1700912662#focus=Comments-27-6015585.0-0Coroutine debugger: disable "was optimised out" compiler feature : KT-48678
I'm getting "was optimized out" way to often. So I would love a compiler feature that it wouldn't optimize these variables out when in debugging Kotlin. Here's an example: image.png Current workaround My usual workaround is stop the program and re-write my
Debugging facilities for kotlinx.coroutines on JVM. Overview This module provides a debug JVM agent that allows to track and trace existing coroutines. The main entry point to debug facilities is DebugProbes API. Call to DebugProbes.install installs debug
https://github.com/reactor/BlockHound/blob/1.0.8.RELEASE/docs/quick_start.md[Kotlin Coroutines] Log 를 사용한 Coroutines 디버깅
로그를 사용한 디버깅의 필요성 Kotlin Coroutines는 같은 Coroutine Builder(launch, async 등) 의 중괄호 내부의 코드들이 다른 스레드에서 실행될 수 있다. 예를 들어 아래 코드에서 "task1 : start" 는 메인 스
[kotlin] 코틀린의 코루틴 가이드(1)
코틀린 코루틴 가이드를 잘 번역해주신 블로그입니다. 아래 블로그 내용으로 공부를 해서 원본 내용은 아래 링크 참고 바랍니다. https://medium.com/@myungpyo/reading-coroutine-official-guide-thoroughly-part-0-2017
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59345012/kotlin-android-how-to-debug-coroutines-correctlyKotlin, Android, how to debug coroutines correctly?
I'm trying to debug my coroutines, and breakpoints placed into suspend function don't work. Pls help me understand why. Working with Android Studio. Ok, I launch a coroutine from viewModelScope:
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