Python plugins you need the pynvim module. "Virtual envs" are recommended. After activating the virtual env do pip install pynvim (in both). Edit your init.vim so that it contains the path to the env's Python executable:Vim_Editor_IDE/Vim_.vimrc설정 2023. 2. 2. 22:50728x90
Installing Neovim
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability. Contribute to neovim/neovim development by creating an account on GitHub.
Pre-built archives
- If you are missing VCRUNTIME140.dll, install the Visual Studio 2015 C++ redistributable (choose x86_64 or x86 depending on your system).
- Choose a package (nvim-winXX.zip) from the releases page.
- Unzip the package. Any location is fine, administrator privileges are not required.
- $VIMRUNTIME will be set to that location automatically.
- Double-click nvim-qt.exe.
Optional steps:
- Add the bin folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\nvim\bin) to your PATH.
- This makes it easy to run nvim and nvim-qt from anywhere.
- If :set spell does not work, create the C:/Users/foo/AppData/Local/nvim/site/spell folder. You can then copy your spell files over (for English, located here and here);
- For Python plugins you need the pynvim module. "Virtual envs" are recommended. After activating the virtual env do pip install pynvim (in both). Edit your init.vim so that it contains the path to the env's Python executable:
let g:python3_host_prog='C:/Users/foo/Envs/neovim3/Scripts/python.exe' let g:python_host_prog='C:/Users/foo/Envs/neovim/Scripts/python.exe'
- Run :checkhealth and read :help provider-python.
- init.vim ("vimrc"): If you already have Vim installed you can copy %userprofile%\_vimrc to %userprofile%\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim to use your Vim config with Neovim.
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