win11에서 내가 폴더 권한이 낮아서 그런거였다. 권한 올려주니 해결 ㅎㅎ금융관련Coding~/금융_Python 2022. 5. 19. 22:30728x90
WARNING: Failed to write executable - trying to use .deleteme logic ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'C:\\Python39\\Scripts\\pip-run.exe' -> 'C:\\Python3 9\\Scripts\\pip-run.exe.deleteme'
https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9023Error installing package with executable · Issue #9023 · pypa/pip
Environment pip version: 20.2.4 Python version: 3.9.0 OS: Windows 10 Build 20236 Description Attempting to install pip-run fails. Expected behavior The installation of this package should succeed o...
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