독일 총선21년9월26(일)~27(월)Germany Federal Election-한국시간으로 27일새벽1시에 선거종료경제상식/Macro국가주요경제_정치권력및분석자료 2021. 8. 31. 18:19728x90
독일 총선에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다
2021년 독일 연방의회 선거. 시작: 오후 3:00
9월 26일 일요일
종료: 오전 1:00
9월 27일 월요일
구글 출처
https://www.google.com/search?q=germany%20election&tbm=germany election - Google 검색
All polls, trends and election news for the German parliament Bundestag — CDU,CSU, GRÜNE, AfD, SPD, LINKE, FDP Umfragen presented by POLITICO Poll of Polls.
선거 여론 조사
https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/germany/POLITICO Poll of Polls — German polls, trends and election news for Germany
All polls, trends and election news for the German parliament Bundestag — CDU,CSU, GRÜNE, AfD, SPD, LINKE, FDP Umfragen presented by POLITICO Poll of Polls
자료 출처
https://amp.dw.com/en/german-election-spd-sees-poll-surge-ahead-of-tv-debate/a-59017732SPD sees poll surge ahead of TV debate
German election: SPD sees poll surge ahead of TV debate 29.08.2021 Four weeks before the Bundestag election, Angela Merkel's rival center-left party is seeing a rise in public support. The three leading candidates for chancellor are set to square off on li
후보에 대해 알아 보겠습니다
왼쪽 부터
Armin Laschet
CDU Chancellor Candidate
Annalena Baerbock
Green Chancellor Candidate
Olaf Scholz
SPD Chancellor Candidate
SPD정당이 떠 오르고 있고요
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