
Rust Perseus __ Debugging 하는 법(FullStack)

내인생PLUS 2023. 6. 29. 20:59
Engine-side logging
However, if you try to, say, call dbg!() in your build-time logic, you might discover that you get absolutely zilch output in the console unless the whole process fails. This is because Perseus takes the conservative route, and only prints the output of its undelrying calls to cargo if the build process fails. This can make subtle logic errors very difficult to debug, so Perseus provides the snoop commands to help you. There are three:

$ perseus snoop build

will run the build process directly, with no frills, allowing you to see all the output of your own code (Perseus performs no logging)

$ perseus snoop wasm-build

will run the Wasm build process, which is just compiling your code to Wasm (you probably won't use this unless you're having Wasm-specific compiler errors)

$ perseus snoop serve

will run the server directly, allowing you to see any dbg!() calls or the like that occur on requests



Debugging | Perseus Docs

Debugging For all its features, Perseus isn't a miracle-worker, and, until AI replaces all programmers, you're still going to need to do your fair share of debugging when you're building a Perseus app. Most of time, bugs will be caught neatly by the compil







perseus - Rust

Perseus Perseus is a blazingly fast frontend web development framework built in Rust with support for generating page state at build-time, request-time, incrementally, or whatever you’d like! It supports reactivity using Sycamore, and builds on it to pro






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