C++ can do all that rust does?코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2021. 5. 12. 01:17
https://users.rust-lang.org/t/c-can-do-all-that-rust-does/58076C++ can do all that rust does?So Stroustrup in various interviews mentions that "modern C++" can do everything Rust does. I have never been a C++ programmer and have no idea about that language - but very curious to find out what is C++ equivalent of Rust's concept of lifetimes and borusers.rust-lang.org
Rust) From<T> for Vec<T>코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2021. 5. 12. 01:16
https://users.rust-lang.org/t/from-t-for-vec-t/58501From for VecI was just wondering if there is a good reason that impl From for Vec isn't currently implemented in the compiler? Or if it just hasn't been implemented yet? I have a function with a parameter that needs to be a Vec, but it's possible that sometimes users.rust-lang.org
RUST)러스트 개발자들이 다른 개발자들을 위한 오픈 소스 러스트 프로젝트들을 등록하는 곳코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2021. 5. 9. 10:31
https://crates.io/ 외부 라이브러리 쉽게 넣기 귀찮으니깐 cargo add로 넣으면 된다 ㅋ cargo add 활용법❤️귀찮은 features넣는 법 -F이게 좋네 ㅋ❤️(Cargo.toml 넣기 귀찮다. ㅋㅋ) - https://economiceco.tistory.com/m/14544 cargo add 활용법❤️귀찮은 features넣는 법 -F이게 좋네 ㅋ❤️(Cargo.toml 넣기 귀찮다. ㅋㅋ) cargo add serde -F serde/derive && cargo add tokio -F tokio/full serde = { version = "1.0.140", features = ["derive"] } tokio = { version = "1.20.1", features = [..
What can C++ do that Rust can’t? (2021 edition)코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2021. 5. 9. 08:19
https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/n7rjfk/what_can_c_do_that_rust_cant_2021_edition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfWhat can C++ do that Rust can’t? (2021 edition)*(Mostly based on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/5ti9fc/what_can_c_do_that_rust_cant/).)* ***More suggestions and especially...www.reddit.com What can C++ do that Rust can’t? (2021 edition) *..
Introduction - The Rust Reference러스트 영문 설명서코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2021. 5. 8. 13:11
doc.rust-lang.org/reference/introduction.html Introduction - The Rust Reference This book is the primary reference for the Rust programming language. It provides three kinds of material: Chapters that informally describe each language construct and their use. Chapters that informally describe the memory model, concurrency model, runti doc.rust-lang.org
Rust Keywords(영문),예약어(Reserved Word)코딩Coding/★Rust★기초★Syntax 2021. 5. 8. 13:10
doc.rust-lang.org/reference/keywords.htmlKeywords - The Rust ReferenceRust divides keywords into three categories: These keywords can only be used in their correct contexts. They cannot be used as the names of: Lexer: KW_AS : as KW_BREAK : break KW_CONST : const KW_CONTINUE : continue KW_CRATE : crate KW_ELSE : else KW_ENUM doc.rust-lang.org https://gist.github.com/ritz078/1be714dea593838587c8a5..